
BLHI Holds the 65th Board Meeting

On January 22, 2019, the 65thmeeting of BLHI's Board of Directors was held in the conference room No.1 of the Technical Center. Chairman Li Qi presided over the meeting. General Manager Zhu Guomin reported to the Board of Directors on the company's 2018 budget implementation, disposition condition of idle and scraped equipments. At the meeting, each director reviewed and approved the two considerations of the company's operation plan and the company's accounting system in 2019. Chairman Li Qi and all the directors fully affirmed the work of BLHI's  management team in 2018 and put forward some hopes for the work in 2019: First, the management team should continue to work hard to lead all employees to complete the 2019 operation plan. Second, affirm the key work and investment plans in the 2019 operation plan, hope that the work must be realistic and contribute to profits, and there is still room for process route adjustment and efficiency improvement, it is necessary to make good process route layout and machine layout according to the logistics trend, reduce logistics losses, reduce costs, and reduce waste. Third, in 2019, we must focus on the promotion of schedule management and balanced production, coordinate well in between different departments. The losses caused by insufficient load and time consuming are difficult to recover. Fourth, continue to promote online shopping, expand the scope of online shopping, and truly reduce costs and increase efficiency.
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